Council approves flying fox management plan


Noosa Council has signed off on a flying fox management plan aimed at providing some relief for residents living near the Wallace Park bat colony.

Council will selectively clear 10 metre separation areas between vegetation and property boundaries in consultation with stakeholders. The aim is to increase the distance between homes and flying foxes.

Earlier this year Council called on expert flying fox consultant Ecosure to report on management options.

Ecosure’s recommendations, as well as community feedback, shaped Council’s management plan.

“Ecosure reinforced Council’s view that dispersal efforts were unlikely to work, but recommended a range of potential mitigation options such as separation buffers, deterrents, further education and measures that nearby landholders can employ,” Council’s Principal Environment Officer, Peter Milne, said.

“The most practical action at this stage is increasing the space between park neighbours and the vegetation where the flying foxes roost, which will also provide an access fire trail.

“We are currently looking at sprinkler system trials that can provide a further 15 metres of separation. Out of all the deterrents suggested by Ecosure, this is the most promising.”

Mr Milne said Council staff would consult with stakeholders prior to clearing the 10 metre buffer, as well as government agencies.

Council will also provide factsheets and signage to educate residents about flying foxes.

Mr Milne thanked residents for providing feedback on the Ecosure recommendations, via Council’s YourSay Noosa website.

20 November 2015