Community jury narrows its focus on Noosa River issues


Four months into its investigation into Noosa River management options Noosa’s community jury has narrowed its focus to four key areas.

The Noosa River Plan, the use of a potential river ranger, a classification change for the policing of moorings, and management funding options are on the agenda for discussion at the jury’s meeting next Wednesday.

“The jury has distilled the large amount of information it has received about how to better manage the Noosa River down to these four key items,” says Noosa Council Community Engagement Manager Debra Bambrook.

The jury has heard from six expert speakers as part of its deliberations across a raft of issues. At its last meeting Coast Guard Noosa Commander Allan Hall told the jury illegal discharge from vessels was a major problem – comments Council Environment Officer Jan Maddin supported.

“The Noosa River is a nil discharge zone by law,” she says, “there is zero run-off permitted into the Noosa River from the land. Why should we allow discharge into the river from boats moored or anchored?

“At present we have no authority to regulate discharge into the river from these vessels, no way of knowing the extent of illegal discharge from vessels and no power to stop it.”

The jury last month discussed the prospect of a river ranger to carry out an enforcement role on issues such as illegal discharge.

“It will be interesting to see the direction the jury takes,” says Ms Bambrook.

The Jury has also received more than 50 documents in the form of community submissions and research documents it requested, and will conclude its deliberations in early December.

10 November 2015