Have your say on Noosa’s draft Social Strategy


Council’s draft Noosa Social Strategy is open for comment via Council‘s Your Say Noosa website.

The completed Social Strategy will provide a long term plan for protecting Noosa residents’ quality of life and wellbeing and tackling social challenges facing the shire.

Social Strategy Reference Group spokesman Cr Frank Pardon thanked residents for their input so far and urged the community to read the draft and have a further say.

“The Social Strategy highlights our community’s strengths and commits to supporting and building on them while identifying priority social issues and challenges in need of action,” he said.

“We have attempted to spell out Council’s role in the shire’s cultural, community and social development and encourage greater collaboration between government and non-government organisations, service agencies, facility providers and individuals to avoid duplication, improve services and enhance our social capital – that is, things like social and support networks.

“The final document will provide the data that tells us where we are performing well as a community and where there is room for improvement, which will help inform decisions about social issues and needs,” Cr Pardon said.

“We have identified priority issues through consultation with key stakeholders and by analysing statistics, demographics and other social data.”

Council is keen to hear from residents and community organisations on the Social Strategy‘s proposed aspirations and key initiatives to ensure it accurately reflects their needs and sentiments.

Cr Pardon said: “Community feedback is vital to help us finalise the Social Strategy”.

Visit Council’s YourSay Noosa forum and join the discussion or visit Council Pop Ups to speak with Council officers between 10am and 12 noon on Wednesday 30 September at Cooroy Library, and Noosaville Library from 1-3pm.

The YourSay Noosa Social Plan forum is open from today at http://yoursay.noosa.qld.gov.au 

The online forum closes 30 October 2015.

25 September 2015