Community encouraged to support SES
Local Disaster Coordinator Martin Drydale is urging residents to join their local State Emergency Service (SES) branch.
Mr Drydale said SES volunteers provided a vital service to the community during times of disaster and the local branch needed more volunteers to help it maintain the level of service residents relied on.
“SES volunteers play a vital role in support of the local community,” Mr Drydale said.
“They assist with missing person searches, flood rescues, temporary repairs from storm damage, traffic control and help out at local events.”
Noosa’s local State Emergency Service branch is currently calling for volunteers
SES volunteer Carol Watkins says: “being an SES volunteer is very rewarding because you can see first-hand the difference you are making to the community.”
“We are there when people are in need and are one of the first services to arrive at the scene of a local disaster. We also work hard to help prevent disasters affecting people, such as our successful sandbagging program which helps prevent properties from flooding,” she said.
All SES members receive comprehensive training in areas such as: first aid; chainsaw use and safety; traffic control; radio communications; flood boat operations and working safely at heights.
Noosa’s local SES is soon to commence a new schedule of volunteer training sessions on Monday evenings - 7pm to 9pm. Training and membership is free.
For more information on the SES visit and/or telephone Carol Watkins on 0408 078 073.
1 September 2015