Community groups invited to discuss state government plan


Council is encouraging community groups with questions about changes to state planning legislation to make use of information sessions being held next month.

The Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning is expected to release a draft planning bill for community consultation shortly. 

“The draft planning bill is proposed to replace the current Sustainable Planning Act 2009 which currently governs planning and development in Queensland.  Planning is an area that shapes our community,” Council’s planning and environment manager Kerri Coyle said.

The Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (DILGP) will host Meet a Planner sessions and one-on-one meetings with community groups at Maroochydore on 16 September 2015.

Community groups can request a one-on-one meeting.

“While the intent of these sessions is to describe the planning system and draft bills, no doubt local issues will arise,” Ms Coyle said.

For session and contact details, please call 07 3452 6801 or 0428 715 609 and/or visit the Department’s reform website:

1 September 2015