Consultation identifies Peregian Beach priorities
Council is reviewing more than 1000 comments from the Peregian Beach consultation day intended to capture the community’s wishes on ways to improve the town.
Infrastructure Planning and Design Manager Nick Wellwood said the feedback showed green space, parking and pedestrian linkages to be high on the community’s priority list.
He acknowledged calls for more long-term parking, within the new Rufous Street precinct, to free up village car spaces for visitors, shoppers and residents.
More than 200 locals turned out on 9 May to have a say on the future of Peregian Beach and comment on existing proposals.
Feedback also called for stronger pedestrian linkages between the village and new Rufous Street precinct.
“We’re conducting further investigations and we will develop draft designs to present back to the community in 2016,” Mr Wellwood said.
Council’s Community Services Director Alan ‘Fox’ Rogers said, from the consultation day, Council assembled a group of local stakeholders and architects in a design charrette to develop options specifically for the Rufous Street precinct.
“That group will reconvene next month to review draft plans for a Peregian Knowledge Campus, which proposes green space, parking, education IT driven enterprise, and mixed uses on the site,” he said.
The Peregian Beach amenities block is also earmarked for refurbishment and Mr Wellwood said Council was looking at options for 2016.
To follow the project, view feedback and updates, visit
28 August 2015