Council welcomes community jury verdict


Council will workshop the timing and costs involved in implementing the Noosa Community Jury’s plan to slash the 11,000 tonnes of organic waste Noosa sends to landfill annually.

Council last night adopted the jury’s recommendations, in principle, pending a workshop to cement the details.

The jurors’ arsenal in the battle to reduce compostable organics in landfill includes mandated garden waste bins for urban areas, a future full organics collection service and a plastic bag ban.

The jury reached its verdict after five months of deliberations on organic waste management options, having called on experts, examined research and considered community submissions.

Reducing compostable organics in landfill is a challenge faced by councils across Australia in a bid to maximise landfill space and meet federal government emissions targets.

Noosa Mayor Noel Playford thanked the 23 jury members for their exhaustive work.

“Changing the way we manage organic waste won’t happen overnight. The jury has done a terrific job examining this complex topic and we will workshop the next steps considering both financial and operational implications.

“We’ll be looking at how, for example, an urban area garden waste bin rollout might line up with renewal of our waste contract,” Cr Playford said.

“Council’s recycling program has been recognised as one of the state’s best and the jury’s recommendations could see Noosa again lead the way in Queensland.

“Not only has the community jury process delivered a well-researched set of recommendations to tackle one of the biggest long term issues facing our shire, it has proven a valuable way for our community to have a deciding say.

“I commend the jury members on their hard work,” Cr Playford said.

28 August 2015