Have your say on proposed planning scheme changes


Noosa Council is calling for feedback on proposed amendments to The Noosa Plan.

Noosa Mayor Noel Playford said the amendments aimed to correct anomalies, reduce regulation and ensure the nine-year-old planning scheme was still achieving its intended aims.

The amendments reflect advice from councillors and planning staff on anomalies, shortfalls and over regulation in the current planning scheme, as well as:

  • Submissions, relating to Noosa, to the draft Sunshine Coast planning scheme in 2012.
  • Submissions made during the preliminary consultation period in April/May 2014.
  • State policy directions in the 2013 State Planning Policy and supporting guidelines.
  • The Queensland Planning Provisions (QPP) being the State’s standard planning scheme provisions.

Cr Playford said private property zoning changes, changes to minimum lot sizes and urban density provisions had mostly been deferred for consideration as part of a new planning scheme.

“Any changes to private property are mostly limited to new estates where development plans may not have been finalised when the plan came into effect. For example the amendments will ensure that house blocks are shown as housing zones, and open space areas are also identified accurately in the scheme.”

The amendments also include changes the State has made to bushfire hazard, water catchment and flood mapping.

“The proposed amendments will be open for public consultation until close of business 2 October and Council may then make changes as a result, before sending the amendments to the Deputy Premier for sign-off,” Cr Playford said.

To view the proposed amendments online and lodge a submission visit Council's YourSay Noosa website.

To view a hard copy, visit Noosa Council’s Level 2 customer service desk at 9 Pelican Street Tewantin. Submissions can be emailed to strategicplanning@noosa.qld.gov.au or posted to PO Box 141 Tewantin QLD 4565.

For further information contact Council’s strategic planners on (07) 5329 6212. Submissions on any aspect of proposed planning scheme amendments must be made by Friday 2 October 2015. 

19 August 2015