Noosa LDMG on alert following earthquake


Noosa’s Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) is on alert following a 5.2 magnitude earthquake off the coast of Fraser Island this morning.

Local Disaster Coordinator Martin Drydale said the LDMG was monitoring the situation, but no immediate further threats were expected.

“At this stage there are no tsunami warnings in place, nor aftershocks expected but we will continue to monitor the situation,” he said.

Mr Drydale said that in the case of significant aftershocks or major earthquakes resulting in severe ground tremors, the advice is to ‘drop, cover, hold on’ – DROP to the ground, take COVER under a sturdy piece of furniture, and HOLD ON until the shaking stops.

For further information on this morning’s quake, visit the Geoscience Australia website at

Residents can also visit Council’s Facebook page at for any further updates.

In life threatening situations call Triple Zero (000) and for emergency assistance from SES call 132 500.

30 July 2015