Deamalgamation delivers better service, lower rates


Mayor Noel Playford says Noosa ratepayers have gained better service and avoided general rate increases of almost 7% thanks to deamalgamation.

His comments follow Noosa’s 2015/2016 budget adoption, set to deliver a “missing link” $4.7 million road project as part of a $23 million capital works program.

Cr Playford said “supporters of deamalgamation have been rewarded financially for their faith in local democracy. A 1.3% general rate increase following no increase last year stands in stark contrast to the 8% increase Sunshine Coast Council ratepayers have experienced in the past two years.”

“It’s timely with the adoption of our second full year budget to reflect on what we have achieved since de-amalgamating,” Cr Playford said.

“Not only have we defied the critics by keeping rates down and increasing services in Noosa, we’ve done so while building a brand new, financially sound, council.

“Public area maintenance has been significantly increased as has asset renewal and maintenance funding, plus we’ve returned the annual kerbside rubbish collection which residents lost under the regional council,” Cr Playford said.

“The new budget will see that continue, with the 1.3% general rate increase to mean only a modest $13 annual increase for the majority of ratepayers,” Cr Playford said.

Cr Playford said Queensland Treasury Corporation also rated Noosa’s finances as sound, contrary to the predictions of deamalgamation critics.

“A new financial sustainability policy provides funds to steadily pay down debt. Net debt is a frequently used measure of where a council is heading financially and Noosa Council’s net debt is falling.

“This will be achieved without cutting services. In fact, we’ve improved most service areas – it’s been a case of identifying ways we can work smarter and reduce waste across the organisation,” Cr Playford said.

“The result is that Noosa ratepayers again have a financially secure council that is delivering better value for money and lower rates, which is a far cry from what Noosa ratepayers suffered under the regional council, where rates rose and services declined.”

View the net debt per ratepayer comparison to Sunshine Coast Council.

29 June 2015