Above and Beyond for Allan Hazell


Noosa Council’s Building and Plumbing Services Manager, Allan Hazell has won the prestigious Above and Beyond Award at the QLD Local Government Managers of Australia Annual Awards of Excellence dinner, held at the Brisbane Convention Centre last night.

Allan has gone ‘Above and Beyond’ by working in his own time and using his plumbing skills to construct a new waste water treatment plant and a new amenities block at Council’s campgrounds, supported by his team, and by developing a proactive maintenance regime for Council facilities.

Allan has also showed impressive innovation skills by working with an IT developer to produce a ground-breaking iPhone app to test on-site waste water.

"Allan promotes great customer service at Council’s building and plumbing one-stop shop, and he has earned the loyalty of his team through his supportive and engaging leadership style," Noosa Council Infrastructure and Planning Director Martin Drydale said.

All of this has resulted in hundreds of thousands of dollars of savings for ratepayers, improved services for the community and an outstanding level of service for customers.

Allan’s attitude to work is simple – “work hard, look for the best value you can for the community, but have fun while you are doing it!”

After receiving the award, Allan was intent on ensuring that his team was given credit.

“This one is really for the team – it is never an 'I', it is always a 'we' that gets things done," he said.

Mr Drydale said: "This selfless attitude is precisely why Allan is such a deserving winner of this award."

The award came as a complete surprise to Allan who did not know he had been nominated.

When the award was announced and his name appeared on the big screen Allan’s jaw dropped. His look of shocked surprise was priceless.

24 March 2015