Revamp for Lake Macdonald amenities


Lake Macdonald's Kookaburra Park amenities block will undergo a facelift, with work set to begin in early April.

Noosa Council Facility Officer Ian Pearce said the $25,000 project would take around three weeks to complete and deliver new concrete access paths, new modesty screens and a new roof, while both the interior and exterior walls will be redecorated.

“During the construction phase, the amenities will be cordoned off to the public however a portable toilet will be installed on site for general public access,” Mr Pearce said.

Mr Pearce said the public amenities were well-utilised, particularly by residents and visitors walking the Noosa Trail Network.

“These amenities are situated on the junction of two of the network trails so they’re frequently used by those walking the tracks, as well as horse riders and visitors to the park,” Mr Pearce said.

“This work is necessary to extend the life of the amenities and is a far cheaper option than a total replacement of this widely used public facility,” Mr Pearce said.

“We’re working to a three-week timeframe, weather permitting.”

26 March 2015