Drivers' patience applauded as Walter Hay Drive work continues


Council’s Civil Operations Manager Allan Hull has praised the community for its patience while Walter Hay Drive is closed for resurfacing.

Mr Hull said closing the road meant Council could complete the job faster and keep the cost to ratepayers down.

“Keeping one lane of the road open would add around $500,000 to the project to cover additional labour costs and spray an additional layer of seal, required to counter the impact of the traffic during construction,” he said.

Mr Hull said congestion and traffic delays eased considerably after the first day of work, as motorists used alternative routes.

“We really appreciate motorists’ efforts in using alternative roads such as David Low Way and the Bruce Highway to enter and exit the Shire while Walter Hay Drive is closed, as it is helping noticeably reduce congestion,” he said.

“We initially had traffic control personnel on hand to manage traffic through the intersections along the detour but we found they weren’t needed after day one. However we will continue to monitor the traffic and we can redeploy traffic control if required.”

Traffic is being diverted along Eumundi Noosa Road while Walter Hay Drive is closed.

“The approach we’ve taken will reduce the timeframe by around two weeks and ensure we deliver the highest quality road surface that we can.

“We really appreciate motorists’ patience while we press on with the job.”

Walter Hay Drive will be reopened, temporarily, over the Easter break.

The work is expected to continue for another month.

16 March 2015