Green Army support for war on weeds


Noosa bushland care groups’ assault on noxious weeds will soon gain extra firepower with the Federal Government’s Green Army joining the frontline.

Noosa Council successfully applied for a Green Army team to spend the next three months assisting 19 local bushland care groups with tasks such as tree planting and weed removal.

“This support will enhance the great work of the many hard-working local bushland care groups that do a tremendous job each week improving our reserves and coastal habitat areas,” says Noosa Council Bushland Care Program Coordinator Leah Tearle.

The $10,000 project includes a team of 10 Green Army personnel armed with herbicide, seedlings, mulch, jute matting and tree guards. They’ll get started next month.

Their efforts will help bushland care volunteer groups to improve local biodiversity.

“Our community volunteers do a fantastic job rehabilitating and beautifying bushland reserves and coastal habitats and we’re pleased to welcome the Green Army team to help them out,” Ms Tearle said.

The Federal Government’s Green Army initiative provides opportunities for young Australians aged 17-24 to gain experience in environmental and heritage conservation fields and explore careers in conservation management, while participating in projects that deliver benefits for the environment.

10 March 2015