Log on and help shape Noosa's Social Plan


Join the discussion on Council’s YourSay Noosa forum to help shape the Shire’s next social plan.

Council is currently drafting The Noosa Social Plan 2016-2023.  As part of developing the Plan, Council needs to hear from residents about their aspirations, our strengths as a community, and any gaps in social services and infrastructure across the Shire.  From there Council will develop priorities to shape its activities for the next seven years.

Social Plan Reference Group spokesman Cr Frank Pardon encouraged residents to visit Your Say Noosa and join the discussion.

“We’re asking Noosa’s residents to tell us what they love about the Noosa community, what they think the social challenges are; and what should we do about it.,”

We know Noosa people are passionate about the environment but we also want them to tell us how we can improve our social capital.   Our aim is to look after people and enhance their lifestyle.” Cr Pardon said.

Cr Pardon said community feedback would help shape the plan.

The Your Say Noosa Social Plan forum is open from today. 

The Noosa Social Plan 2016-2023 will replace the plan drawn up in 2006.

“Like the plan it replaces, the new plan will incorporate demographic profiling, research and census data,” Cr Pardon said.

The on line forum closes March 27th.

4 March 2015