Call goes out for interest in new biosphere community association
Noosa Council is seeking input from residents interested in setting up a new incorporated association to support the work of the Noosa Biosphere Reserve Foundation.
An association is part of the new community-driven biosphere governance model Council adopted last year following extensive public consultation.
“It's anticipated that an association would work closely with the Noosa Biosphere Reserve Foundation Ltd and its directors, who are responsible for managing the Biosphere Trust,” says Noosa Mayor Noel Playford.
The association would provide opportunities for individuals to get involved in projects and activities that support the Trust’s objectives.
These include protecting and enhancing Noosa Biosphere Reserve’s biodiversity and natural eco systems and encouraging environmentally and socially sustainable economic and human development.
“An incorporated community association would allow residents a chance to be a part of projects that help enhance our Biosphere Reserve,” says Noosa Mayor Noel Playford.
“While Council will facilitate the upcoming meeting, the intention is to form a steering group to take the lead in setting up the new incorporated community association, as Council will not control or be part of it.”
The meeting will be held at 5:30pm, Thursday, 19 March, 2015, at Noosa Council, 9 Pelican Street, Tewantin.
All are welcome, but as space is limited please RSVP to 07 5329 6141 or by email to
3 March 2015