Community Jury's second meeting, this Wednesday


Noosa’s first community jury will hold its second meeting on Wednesday to continue with the information gathering phase of its deliberations on the topic: What is the best option for minimising organic waste sent to landfill?

Since the first meeting in early February, Council and newDemocracy Foundation have been busy fulfilling the jury members’ list of requests for information and expert speakers.

Speakers include a spokesperson from a local commercial enterprise, a large resort, and from a resident who has made a submission to the jury. They will present to the jury on Wednesday.

The Jury has also received information about:

  • the priority of greenhouse gas(GHG) reduction from Noosa Shire Council
  • the relevance of organic waste to the overall greenhouse effect
  • education incentives to tourists and residents regarding use of each waste bin type  from councils who have won awards
  • the history of any trials to collect organic waste in Noosa shire
  • market and demand for mulch and compost
  • the economics of the mulching/composting industry
  • best practice waste management landfill sites nationally and globally
  • the health impacts of flaring and leaching
  • who is responsible for educating the community about organic waste management
  • percentage of GHG produced by Council overall as compared to GHG produced by the Noosa community overall.
  • percentage of overall GHG emissions that come from organic waste
  • the size of composting size and turnaround
  • the long term cost of a composting subcontract
  • case studies on greenhouse gases on Sunshine Coast and their major causes from the University of the Sunshine Coast

In addition to the data collected for the jury, the Noosa community has contributed more than 20 submissions. All submissions have been posted on Your Say Noosa.

“The submissions have been very comprehensive. It’s great to see so much enthusiasm from our community,” says Noosa Mayor Noel Playford.

“During Wednesday evening’s session, the jury will discuss the information that has been presented to them and hear more from their guest speakers. It is expected that the jury will continue to meet once per month until July before presenting their final report to Council,” Cr Playford said.

The jury received the requested data well before the meeting. All of the information is posted on Council’s online community engagement website, Your Say Noosa, under the project tab Community Jury – The future for Noosa’s organic waste project.

Visit for more information. To book a seat as an observer at the jury’s second sitting, please call 5329 6500 or email

2 March 2015