Residents urged to help stamp out mozzies


Council is calling on residents to help give mozzies the flick following this week’s rain.

“Mosquitoes breed quickly in freshwater after periods of rain. Anywhere rainwater pools and stagnates mosquitoes can breed,” Council’s Environmental Health Coordinator Sunil Kushor said.

“Mosquito control is important to help prevent the spread of mosquito-borne illnesses such as Ross River Virus.”

Council treats saltmarshes with mosquito growth inhibitor to prevent mosquito breeding, with staff onsite at five sites across the shire tomorrow. But it is up to residents to help stop mosquitoes breeding around the house, Mr Kushor said.

“Sometimes it’s the places that are out of sight that offer mosquitoes the conditions they need to breed. Keeping gutters free of leaves and other blockages that allow rainwater to collect is a great place to start.

“Preventing mosquitoes from breeding in your yard can be as easy as removing containers such as empty pots, saucers and wheelbarrows.

“Some mosquitoes will even lay their eggs on or around these empty containers. The eggs can sit dormant for months until the container fills with water. And once water activates the eggs, it can take as little as four days for the adult mosquitoes to emerge.

“Adding sand to plant pot saucers helps prevent water pooling, and always remember to flush out pet bowls and bird baths at least weekly.”

Mr Kushor said drains from septic tanks should be completely covered, all other tanks should be screened or have lids that are free of cracks. Swimming pools should be well chlorinated.

“Insect screens on windows can help keep mozzies from entering homes, and when outside, use insect repellent to protect yourself from bites, particularly on dusk and at night.

“Try mosquito coils, repellent candles or citronella or any metofluthrin products, available from most supermarkets and hardware stores,” Mr Kushor said.

“We can all help give mozzies the flick to not only reduce the chances of annoying bites, but also prevent the spread of mosquito-borne illnesses.”

3 October 2019