Comment sought on new Noosa Shire Subordinate Local Laws


Residents can now have a say on a suite of proposed new Subordinate Local Laws for Noosa Shire.

Noosa Council Public Order and Safety Manager, Ron Thomas, says the draft Subordinate Local Laws are intended to replace those inherited from Sunshine Coast Council following de-amalgamation.

The draft Subordinate Local Laws are open for public comment online, at Council’s front desk and via the Noosa Council YourSay Noosa portal at until March 20.

They include a number of changes.

“Draft Local Law No. 2 provides for a number of parks to become dog off-leash areas, principally to provide convenience for dog owners in residential areas who currently have to drive to other areas to take their dog for a run,” Mr Thomas says.

“At Peregian Beach we’re proposing to make Di Hurst oval an off-leash dog park. This will give dog owners who can’t use the beach an area to exercise their pets.  It is also proposed to remove the dog on-leash area between beach access 59 and 60, which is currently within the gazetted bathing reserve where dogs aren’t permitted.”

Mr Thomas said the new subordinate local law, if enacted, would also see the dog off-leash section of the beach at the northern end of Sunshine Beach become an on-leash area and extended by 400 metres.

“The North Sunshine Beach area will become an ‘on-leash’ area in response to complaints from the public about uncontrolled and aggressive dog behaviour at that end of the beach.”

Proposed changes in other Subordinate Local Laws include mandatory daily water testing for public pools, and changes to address nuisance smoke.

Noosa Council Planning and Organisation Committee Chair Cr Frank Wilkie encouraged residents to familiarise themselves with the proposed changes and have their say.

“I encourage residents to make a submission before the March 20 deadline,” he said.

To view the draft Subordinate Local Laws, and make a submission, visit Council’s YourSay Noosa website at

You can view the draft Subordinate Local Laws at Council, at 9 Pelican Street, Tewantin. The authorising local laws will also be available with each of the Subordinate Local Laws so that the Subordinate Local Laws are then able to be understood in context.

25 February 2015