New plan to reduce bushland fire risk
Noosa Shire bush reserves are in the spotlight with Council developing a new fire management plan.
Council yesterday authorised staff to begin bushfire risk-assessing Council-controlled bush reserves.
Planning and Environment Manager Kerri Coyle said bushland close to private properties was high on the priority list.
“New state government fire hazard mapping classifies 122 of the 159 Noosa Shire bushland reserves as medium, high or very high fire danger,” Ms Coyle said.
“Council developed a management plan in 2006 but with the addition of new bushland reserves and changes to fire hazard mapping under new State Planning Policy (SPP) , it now needs updating.”
Council will work with stakeholders such as the rural fire brigade to develop the new Noosa Bushland Reserve Network Fire Management Plan.
“Council has established new fire trails and carried out prescribed burns as well as other activities outlined in the 2006 management plan, but more work needs to be done,” Ms Coyle said.
Staff will report back to Council with recommendations once the plan is developed.
13 February 2015