National Tree Day, Sunday 27 July 2014
Australia's biggest community tree and shrub planting day is happening on 27 July. National Tree Day is organised by Planet Ark, with sponsorship from Toyota. Since 1996, over 20 million seedlings have been planted by more than 2.8 million people.
To celebrate National Tree Day, Sunshine Beach Bushland Care Group, supported by Noosa Landcare, will be tree planting at the Doggy Beach, Noosa Spit. Volunteers are welcome and gloves and planting tools are provided. Time: Sunday 8am-11am, 27 July 2014, Doggy Beach, Noosa Spit.
In addition, Noosa Council is a member of the Glossy-Black Cockatoo Conservancy. Glossy Black Cockatoos are listed as a threatened species, and in the Noosa area, feed exclusively on the seeds of Black She-Oak Allocasuarina littoralis.
On 24 July, students from Sunshine Beach State High School, the Dame Patti Park Group and Noosa Council, will be planting Black She-Oak seedlings, generously provided by Noosa Landcare.
Councillor Joe Jurisevic, who has been helping to coordinate the planting day, said the trees are vital to the Glossy Black Cockatoos survival.
"Young trees need to be planted to replace older trees. This will ensure that Glossy Black Cockatoos have a continuous food supply".
For further information on National Tree Day contact Council's customer service centre on 5329 6500.
16 July 2014