Pomona State School one of Noosa Council's shining STARS
It was a proud day for the students, staff and parents at Pomona State School when Councillor Joe Jurisevic visited last Friday.
He presented the school with a Certificate of Achievement for the Council's STARS program undertaken by the students at the school.
Noosa Council sponsors a waste education program called the STARS program which teaches kindergarten, primary and secondary school students the importance of reducing waste and the best methods for recycling various materials.
The program also involves teaching students how to undertake composting, worm farming and several other methods of reducing waste to landfill.
Since implementing the STARS Program, the school has reduced its waste being sent to landfill by 52%. The school fills almost six wheelie bins of recycling a week and two wheelie bins of food scraps being composted. Pomona State School is now rescuing more than 300 wheelie bins from landfill each year.
The enthusiastic state school didn't stop there; they are also reducing and avoiding waste by holding Nude Food Lunch days every term.
Other local schools and childcare centres have also signed up for the STARS program and all are making excellent progress in reducing waste and increasing recycling.
Councillor Jurisevic praised the school's efforts congratulating the entire school community on a fantastic waste reduction result.
"The challenge ahead is for students to take this great attitude about reducing waste with them into high school and into the rest of their lives. We can all do this in our own homes, schools and businesses to reduce waste and improve recycling every day," he said.
21 June 2014