Join the rest of Australia in storytime
On Wednesday 21 May, thousands of children and their favourite adults will be reading together as part of National Simultaneous Storytime to celebrate Library Week.
This year Noosaville and Cooroy Libraries will be joining in.
Although the sessions will be held over three days, the libraries are joining in the Australia-wide event by hosting craft and storytelling activities based on the book, Too Many Elephants in this House.
Daycare centres, playgroups, primary schools and other children's spaces will also celebrating the simultaneous storytime during Library Week.
The book, by Ursula Dubosarsky and Andrew Joyner, will also be sold at major bookstores to encourage parents to read to their children at home and get them excited about books.
Come along to one of the libraries to hear what Australia is reading.
Noosaville Library will be hosting their events at 10am on Tuesday 20 May and Thursday 22 May, and Cooroy Library at 9.30am on Wednesday 21 May.
For more information about how you can get involved visit
16 May 2014