Noosa Biosphere submissions - some great ideas
More than 50 submissions have been received in response to council's invitation for the community to provide ideas on the future vision and management model for the Noosa Biosphere Reserve.
Cr Bob Abbot is delighted with the response and said the next step is for the council working group of the Mayor, Cr Pardon, Cr Wellington and himself, to review the submissions and select those with the best "new" ideas for the future management of the biosphere.
The selected submitters will be invited to make a presentation of their proposals to the working group at meetings scheduled for Tuesday 4th March and Tuesday 11th March between 5:30 and 8 pm at the Council Chambers. Observers are welcome to the presentations but need to notify council by phoning 5329 6209 by 5 pm Friday 28 February, as there is limited seating available at the venue.
Cr Abbot said that there was also many other ideas submitted that were not related to the management model but provide a good insight to the community expectations in terms of future service delivery and direction. Cr Abbot said we will look at those separately and determine if we can pick up any of those ideas to inform future priorities for council and biosphere reserve project initiatives.
25 February 2014