Important changes to your libraries


If you use the Noosaville, Cooroy or Mobile Libraries, you need to read this important information about changes that will be happening to your library service.

While Noosa Council has hit the ground running, fully managing the local libraries and even presenting a packed program, the final phase of separation from Sunshine Coast Libraries will occur in late March.

After this time you will receive a new Noosa Library Service card when you visit one of the libraries in the Noosa Shire – Cooroy, Noosaville or the Mobile Library.

You will only be able to use this card in these libraries.

All membership benefits will remain the same as before – you can still borrow up to 30 items for three weeks, and you will be able to pick-up and drop off items from the Noosa Libraries collection at Cooroy, Noosaville or the Mobile Library.

Your existing Sunshine Coast Libraries card will still be active and you will be able to continue using it at Sunshine Coast Council libraries.

From late March you will only be able to drop off Noosa Libraries items to the Noosa Libraries, and Sunshine Coast Libraries items to their libraries.

It is important that you check your address and mobile phone details are correct either online or when you are next at one of the libraries, to ensure that when the data is copied from Sunshine Coast Libraries at the end of March, that you and your family are transferred over as Noosa library members.

For more information about changes to your libraries visit or phone 5329 6555.

25 February 2014