Council says no to giant liquor outlet at Noosa Junction


Noosa Council has closed the door on plans for a giant liquor store and hotel on the site of the Bowls Club at Noosa Junction.

Thursday night's council meeting voted to reject the application as contrary to the Noosa Plan and without justification to override the area's zoning for "community services".

At the same time, the council made it clear it wants a review of the Masterplan for Noosa Junction so that it does not encourage an oversupply of commercial and retail development.

Mayor Noel Playford says the council doesn't want to throw out the Noosa Junction Masterplan altogether.  "We just want to see it reflect more accurately what the whole community wants and what is already in the Noosa Plan."

Coles has applied to build an 1180 square metre, so-called 'big box' liquor store on the site, as well as a hotel of nearly the same size, plus shops, office space and some units.

The plan involved taking over a council-owned public parking area and some of the nearby Pinnaroo Park, a loss the council says is unacceptable to the local community.

Council also agreed that the giant liquor store and tavern would have an adverse impact on the amenity of the local area and its public spaces.

They said that the proposed development "raises significant conflicts with the Noosa Plan" without demonstrating any major community benefit.

There are six hotels in the Noosa Heads, Noosaville and Tewantin area, and 10 liquor outlets within a five kilometre radius.

With more than 10-percent of shops currently vacant in the area, the council says a huge increase in retail space is not needed and could have an adverse impact on existing businesses.

Mayor Playford described any loss of community land as a "retrograde step", while Councillor Frank Wilkie put it a little more colourfully.  "Our community needs another big box liquor store like it needs a frontal lobotomy" he said.

7 February 2014