Council review of Noosa Biosphere Reserve
The new Noosa Council has decided the time is ripe to conduct a review of the Noosa Biosphere Reserve arrangements.
"It's all about community participation" according to Mayor Noel Playford. " We've all seen in the past few years just how strongly the Noosa Community feels about its right to have a say in what happens here. Now it's time to look at how local people can get even more involved."
At today's meeting, council decided to form a working group consisting of the Mayor and Councillors Bob Abbot, Frank Pardon and Tony Wellington to oversee the review.
A big part of this will be community consultation, including the views of the current Noosa Biosphere Board members and members of the Community Sector Boards.
Our Biosphere Reserve status was awarded by UNESCO in 2007, recognising Noosa as a site of excellence where the community comes together to find the very best ways of living and working sustainably in a beautiful environment.
Since amalgamation, Noosa Biosphere Limited has been a company owned by the Sunshine Coast Council.
Now that Council has returned to local hands, it has decided it's time to take stock of what the Biosphere Reserve Project aims to achieve for Noosa, and how it can best connect with what local communities want to do right across the shire.
Mayor Playford says the Working Group responsible for the review is approaching the process with an open mind. "We really want to make the most of this opportunity to think about the Biosphere Reserve and how the whole community can make a contribution to it."
Mayor Playford says the Noosa Biosphere Reserve is not just about the environment. "It's also about how we can live and work intelligently in such a special place."
20 January 2014