Noosa rates stay in Noosa Shire
Around 30-thousand Noosa Shire ratepayers have begun receiving their first rates notices under the new local council, along with some good advice on how to keep payments to a minimum.
At its first meeting, the council decided against an increase in rates for the first half of this year, although people will notice a rise in the State Government imposed Fire Levy, over which Noosa Council has no control.
The Queensland government has lifted the Fire levy by 6.5-percent and extended it to cover all properties, not just those in urban areas. The levy goes to the state government.
The rates are due to be paid by February 14th, and residents will have to pay on time to qualify for the 5-percent discount.
Mayor Noel Playford has urged property owners who make electronic payments to take note of the new biller codes and payment reference numbers for Noosa Council. If these are not updated, local people will be sending money off to the Sunshine Coast Council by mistake.
Mr Playford says he's particularly keen for pensioners to understand how they can get their rate concessions.
Many pensioners have still not returned their consent forms to the new Noosa Council, and under Centrelink's privacy policy the Sunshine Coast Council cannot simply pass on these details to the new Noosa Council.
Without a consent form filled in by pensioners, the concession cannot be applied to rates.
Pensioners who have not returned their consent forms to Noosa Council can fill in the form online at the council website, or in person at the Council office in Pelican Street, Tewantin.
Mayor Playford says the new Council is running the ruler over every dollar spent to keep rates as low as possible, having started with no rates increase this financial year.
"No-one likes paying bills" he says " but at least from now on we all know that our rate money is being spent right here in Noosa Shire."
13 January 2014