Surge in demand for dog-waste bags prompts restraint call


Council is asking dog owners to exercise restraint with Noosa’s new compostable dog-waste bags.

The call follows a massive spike in the number of bags taken from local dispensers in recent weeks.

“In one area we’re struggling to refill the dispensers fast enough,” says Council’s Local Laws Manager Phil Amson.

“On Gympie Terrace alone we went through more than 2000 bags in 24 hours and that was midweek. Previous usage is around 350 for a week day and 1000 across a weekend.

“Council provides these bags as a courtesy to help dog owners do the right thing and clean up after their animals. The obligation is on the dog owner to clean up, regardless of whether Council supplies bags.

“We’re pleased to see people cleaning up after their pets, but clearly some people are either taking more bags than they need or simply taking them for other uses,” Mr Amson said.

“We’re appealing to those people who may be taking a large number of bags to consider other dog owners as well as the cost to ratepayers to constantly replenish the dispensers.”

Mr Amson said staff first noticed the bags were being depleted quicker than usual after Council switched to compostable bags – part of Council’s Towards Zero Waste initiative.

Made from corn starch, compostable bags are far better for the environment than degradable plastic bags as they contain no plastic and they break down into organic matter.

For information about keeping a dog in Noosa Shire, visit Council’s website.

11 April 2018