Libraries make space for new Makerspace


The first “Makerspace” for the region was launched today at the Cooroy Library, giving people an opportunity to access new and emerging technology. 

Makerspaces, also called hackerspaces, hackspaces, and fablabs, are places where people gather to work on joint creative projects, typically involving technology.

Noosa Mayor Tony Wellington said the space will provide an opportunity for residents to access new technology such as 3D printers, a virtual reality system, a range of robotics and even the latest sewing machines.

“I'm told that this is a first for the region, as there are no other community makerspaces like this on the Sunshine Coast.

“As someone once said, 'The best way to predict the future is to create it'. This makerspace allows ready access to the tools that are shaping our future."

Council’s Literacy and Learning Coordinator Tracey King said there was a lot of interest in the new space before it even opened.

“The library has already had a request to use the makerspace technology to 3D model a concept design and print it out to see if the concept is feasible.

“A number of Makerspace workshops have now been organised for the new space. Alternatively, residents can become a Makerspace member and use the technology independently to explore their ideas,” Ms King said.

The new Cooroy Makerspace was officially opened today by Noosa Mayor Tony Wellington, Independent Member for Noosa Sandy Bolton, State Librarian Vicki McDonald and Council’s Libraries and Galleries Manager Kerri Contini.

This project has received financial assistance from the Queensland Government through the State Library of Queensland.

For more information contact Noosa Council libraries on 5329 6555 or visit the website.

6 April 2018