Plan to support ageing population and reveal opportunities for health sector
Work will begin soon on a new Health and Wellbeing Plan for Noosa.
It will formalise Council’s role in delivery of local health strategies, spell out services where Noosa is falling short and reveal opportunities for Noosa’s health and wellbeing industry.
“The plan will strengthen our case for more support from State and Federal Governments and highlight where opportunities exist to meet our current and future health needs,” says Councillor Ingrid Jackson.
The health and wellbeing sector is one of Noosa’s fastest growing, increasing local employment by 23% between 2011 and 2016.
A reference group, to be chaired by Cr Jackson and made up of state health department and agency representatives plus Council staff, academics and community groups, will draft the plan.
“The reference group will assess how current national and state health strategies are meeting Noosa’s needs and how we might either influence those strategies or plug any gaps,” Cr Jackson says.
“With a median age 10 years older than the state’s, Noosa’s health needs may differ considerably from those of other parts of Queensland. That’s why it’s vital we develop the Health and Wellbeing Plan to determine priorities and make sure the needs of over-45s are met locally.”
The plan will also identify where Council can take a more active role in Noosa’s health and wellbeing.
“We have a general public health responsibility that includes licensing and inspecting food premises and managing disease-carrying pests such as mosquitoes, but there may be more we can do to support other health and wellbeing efforts on the ground,” Cr Jackson says.
Council aims to establish the reference group next month and present a draft Health and Wellbeing Plan to the community for feedback in September.
21 March 2018