Have a say on future infrastructure plan
The community has until April 18 to comment on Council’s draft Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP) - part of proposed amendment to Noosa’s planning scheme.
LGIPs provide councils the legislative mechanism for development to contribute to necessary trunk infrastructure over the next 10 to 15 years to support growth and future development.
Trunk infrastructure includes major roads, pathways and bus stops, public parks, recreation and sports parks, community land, plus stormwater infrastructure.
Council’s Development Assessment Manager Kerri Coyle said the draft LGIP would replace the existing Priority Infrastructure Plan, which is the current mechanism to levy development contributions currently in The Noosa Plan.
“The LGIP will ensure Council, through its capital works program, is meeting the shire’s future infrastructure needs. It also allows Council to pass on the cost of some trunk infrastructure to developers,” Ms Coyle said.
The draft LGIP is open for public feedback as part of a planning scheme amendment process.
The State Government approved Council’s draft LGIP in March to go out for public feedback until Wednesday, April 18.
After Council has reviewed submissions received, the draft LGIP will then go back to the State for approval.
To view and comment online, visit Council's YourSay Noosa website, or visit Council’s offices at Pelican Street, Tewantin to view a hard copy of the proposed amendments.
Submissions can also be posted to Noosa Council, PO Box 141, Tewantin QLD 4565, or emailed to Council.
For more information, contact Council’s Infrastructure Assessment Coordinator on (07) 5329 6449.
9 March 2018