Temporary libraries open as $1.7M revamp begins


The doors have opened on the first of two temporary libraries that will fill the gap while Noosaville Library undergoes a $1.7M revamp, from March 5.

Council opened a small temporary library on February 26 at Noosa Leisure Centre. It offers a small collection of books and an after-hours returns bin.

A larger temporary library will open at Noosa Civic on March 12, once the mammoth task of relocating more than 60,000 books is complete.

“With the renovations to start from March 5 and the Noosa Civic library opening on March 12, the Leisure Centre will be the only place to access library services in Noosaville between March 5 and 12,” Council’s Libraries and Galleries Manager Kerri Contini said.

“As we have to move 60,000 books, access to the bulk of the Noosaville Library collection will be limited during this time. But residents can still reserve books and return any they’ve had on loan by visiting the Leisure Centre,” she said.

Staff will also operate a pop-up library out the front of Noosa Leisure Centre between March 5 and 12 where residents can learn more about the revamp and the two temporary sites.

Most of the Library’s programs and events will continue as usual, with location changes. More information is available on the website.

“The Noosaville renovation will not impact Cooroy Library or the Mobile Library with both operating as usual.”

The temporary Noosa Civic library, once it opens on March 12, is the place to access the bulk of the collection, plus PCs and quiet working space.

The $1.7million Noosaville Library revamp will provide:

  • 80m2 of additional library space.
  • A complete internal refurbishment.
  • Publicly available programming, training and meeting rooms.
  • A technology Maker Space.
  • A children’s early literacy space.
  • An outdoor Wi-Fi and reading courtyard.
  • Heritage Library room.
  • New lighting and air-conditioning to meet Council’s sustainability goals.
  • Radio Frequency ID smart technology

Council received $805,954 toward the cost of the refurbishment under the Local Government Grants and Subsidies Program.

“We look forward to reopening our much-loved Noosaville Library late in 2018 and appreciate the community’s patience while we relocate the library books.” Ms Contini said.

28 February 2018