Castaways Beach Road Safety Project


Noosa Council is seeking feedback on proposed solutions for a busy traffic hotspot at Castaways Beach.

Council is finalising the planning for improvements at the Castaways Beach car park area and beach accesses, approximately 200m north of Wavecrest Drive, Castaways Beach.

Deputy Mayor Frank Wilkie said the location was a busy area with a high and increasing potential for hazard.

“This area sees high traffic volumes on David Low Way, vehicles entering and leaving the car park, buses entering and leaving the bus stops with cyclists passing by and pedestrians crossing the road,” Cr Wilkie said.

To help improve safety for all, the proposed project includes:

Separating the north and south bound traffic with a 2.5m wide painted chevron median;
Separating the south bound traffic from the beach car park with a concrete median. This will enforce a one-way traffic flow within the car park, provide additional room for manoeuvring and help protect cyclists from reversing vehicles;
Relocating the existing bus stops from the high traffic area to a more suitable location;
Providing two pedestrian crossing points across David Low Way with pedestrian refuges and associated street lighting;
Providing 2m wide bicycle lanes in both directions, with green cycle awareness treatments;
Constructing new footpaths to connect with the new crossing points and bus stops.

“These improvements are a result of traffic data analysis and in response to community concerns about the existing layout,” Cr Wilkie said.

Council has planned moving the two bus stops in the current financial year (2017-2018), with the carpark safety upgrades and resurfacing to occur in following financial year (2018-2019).

The draft layout will be open for feedback until 16 February 2018 on Residents may also have their say by writing a letter to council citing reference number 500678, after viewing the proposed plan at the site - available from Monday 29 January.

25 January 2018