Foreshore master plan opens for comment
Council’s draft Land Use Master Plan for the Gympie Terrace foreshore opens for comment on January 22.
The draft plan includes a list of recommendations that seek to strike a balance between recreational uses, commercial activities, events and community uses.
Residents and other stakeholders can comment on the draft plan from January 22 to February 22 at
A new fenced dog off-leash area at Chaplin Park, a relocation of the outriggers to the Noosa Yacht and Rowing Club precinct, and a new covered area at Chaplin Park for wedding ceremonies and events are some of the proposed improvements.
The draft plan also recommends provisions to allow small food and drink ‘kiosks’ within the existing commercial jetty lease areas. This, says Council’s Property Services Manager Clint Irwin, reflects community support for the sale of coffee along the foreshore.
Council developed the Noosaville Foreshore Land Use Master Plan following last year’s extensive community consultation.
Mr Irwin said Council received more than 1000 submissions from residents and other stakeholders, with more than 300 people attending ‘pop-up’ consultation events.
“Clearly the foreshore is a favourite area for our community who want to see this popular natural asset protected for the future,” Mr Irwin said.
Council based the draft plan on the substantial community input. It includes a draft vision for the foreshore as a peaceful, relaxing public open space where people can go to enjoy the river.
The Noosaville Foreshore Land Use Master Plan is one of three projects which, combined, will help preserve the river’s social, economic and environmental benefits for the future.
Council will also call for input on the Noosa River Plan and the Climate Change Adaptation Plan later in the first quarter of this year.
Have a say online at Council's YourSay website.
19 January 2018