Stay cool kids and get your art on


Noosa Regional Gallery is offering free art activities for kids every day during the school holidays plus low-cost workshops.

Gallery coordinator Nicole Maggs said “Our free art activities are designed for primary school children and their families but we are now encouraging teenagers to get involved as well”

“The first program for teenagers in 2018 is an all-day Street Art workshop with David Houghton, on Thursday January 11 for grade 7-12 students.

“This is a fantastic boredom-buster with the workshop running from 10am - 3.30pm.

“Finished artworks will be displayed in Noosa Council facilities in March along with the Stencil Art Prize exhibition.” 

The popular school holiday workshops continue next week with guest artist Kim Schoenberger creating ‘Clay Minions’ and ‘Dada’ design workshops with tea bag collages.

“It’s amazing to see parents still engrossed in one activity while the children have already moved on to their next.

“We have activities bursting out the door, so bring your children, and your teenagers, and have some art fun in the cool of the gallery. We promise a creative and relaxing time for the whole family.”

General workshops are $10 per person and the Street Art Workshop is at just $45 per person, all materials included. Bookings are essential. For more information please visit th Gallery's website.

3 January 2018