More than 100 Noosa volunteers celebrate International Volunteer Day
Noosa Council hosted a thank-you brunch today for Noosa’s many volunteers.
The annual International Volunteer Day Brunch is to say thank-you to the locals who donate countless volunteer hours to Noosa’s 300-plus community groups each year.
The volunteers’ get-together at Noosa Leisure Centre included entertainment by Park Bench Ukulele Band and food prepared by Tewantin-Noosa Meals on Wheels.
Mayor Tony Wellington said Council was pleased to celebrate the many volunteers who contributed so much to a wide range of social, cultural and environmental pursuits.
“Council appreciates our volunteers’ efforts, and today’s brunch is about letting them all know the work they do is appreciated,” he said.
"Volunteering helps build social capital, and improves everyone's lives, including the volunteers themselves. Masses of international research has shown that volunteering is a great way to enhance personal wellbeing. So it's the ultimate win-win activity.”
The United Nations General Assembly established International Volunteer Day in 1985. It is celebrated around the world each year on December 5.
For more information on volunteering opportunities, visit Council’s volunteering webpage.
5 December 2017