Free, fun technology training at Noosa and Cooroy Libraries


Do you know the meaning of cookies and tablets? Have your grandkids given you a strange device but forgotten to show you how to use it? Then this program could be for you!

Tech Savvy for Seniors helps seniors get connected and participate in the online world.

“By increasing digital inclusion, it helps reduce social isolation and increase access to government services,” says Literacy and Learning Coordinator Tracey King.

“We believe you are never too old to learn. The community is ever changing and growing and it’s wonderful to have the opportunity to again run this program to reach new seniors or re-connect with previous participants,” said Ms King.

Thanks to a partnership between the Queensland Government and Telstra, Noosa Library Service has secured a second round of funding to continue the popular Tech Savvy for Seniors training program.

”Seniors worldwide are embracing technology and are using it in many different way to make their lives easier. We are passionate about helping local seniors discover the wonderful world of technology.”

Ms King said the program had been life changing for some of the previous participants.

“During the last round of programs a gentleman attended an introduction to computers session. Forced into a career change due to a workplace injury, he now found himself needing digital-skills to work a desk job.

“This program helped increase his general digital skills, such as typing, word processing, emailing and web-browsing skills. With these new skills, he was able to create a resume and upload job applications to job seeking sites. Before leaving the library he said the session had changed his life.”

Noosa Library Service can help seniors use technology to keep up with friends and family on social media, share photos, shop from home, pay bills, or even play chess with a friend, using a tablet.

Tech Savvy for Seniors Queensland sessions are available at Noosaville and Cooroy libraries, covering a range of topics.

This project has received financial assistance from the Queensland Government through State Library of Queensland.

For more information visit the Noosa Library Service website at or phone (07) 5329 6555.

5 October, 2017