Rainsong family event at Noosa Woods this Sunday


Council offers a free evening of family fun in Noosa Woods this Sunday, October 1.

Part of this year’s Floating Land Festival, Rainsong, celebrates, through art, the endangered glossy black-cockatoo, which, as legend has it, flies and calls when rain is on the way.

To be held at Woods Bay Park from 5pm to 7pm, Rainsong takes its name from James Muller’s amazing light projection show, which will be a certain crowd-pleaser on the night.

“Rainsong is a collaborative piece between myself, Lyndon Davis and Brent Miller from the Gubbi Gubbi. The glossy black-cockatoo in local Kabi Kabi culture is very closely connected with rain, which has been represented in the sculptural piece. The projection and performance piece links all these elements together,” says James.

Performances by the Gubbi Gubbi dancers and live music by Brisbane band Alinta will be other highlights of the night.

“Those who come along will also be able to get up close and personal with cockatoos, thanks to Ben Bawden’s Cockatoo Chaos,” Kerri Contini, Council’s Manager, Libraries and Galleries said.

Ms Contini said the event also offered residents and visitors alike the chance to view some of this year’s Floating Land sculptures in the water and on land at Noosa Woods.

“Bring a picnic or grab a bite to eat from one of the local food vendors. Rainsong will be a memorable night the whole family can enjoy. Let’s hope that by celebrating the glossy black-cockatoo, legend rings true and the bird heralds the coming of much-needed rain.”

For more information, visit the Floating Land website.

28 September 2017