Kerbside collection nets 70 tonnes of rubbish in first two days
Council has collected more than 78 tonnes of rubbish on the first day of the annual kerbside bulk rubbish collection and, in the process, recycled more than seven tonnes of steel.
With six weekends to go, Council's Waste Manager Wayne Schafer is reminding residents to utilise Council’s $20 mattress collection service.
“Mattresses aren’t collected as part of the free annual kerbside bulk rubbish collection because they can’t be compacted in the waste trucks,” Mr Schafer said.
“So this year Council is providing a special prepaid mattress disposal service.”
Council will pick up old mattresses on the Friday before the weekend that a street has its kerbside collection, for $20 per mattress.
“We’ve had a small number of residents include mattresses with their other bulk rubbish but they cannot be collected as part of that service,” Mr Schafer says.
Residents must call Council on (07) 5329 6500 before the Wednesday ahead of their kerbside collection day, provide their details and make payment so Council can then ensure their mattress is collected by a separate vehicle, and recycled.
Mr Schafer thanked residents for doing a good job of preparing their bulk rubbish for easy collection, with the volume of rubbish so far collected down slightly on last year’s haul.
“Tyres, gas bottles, chemicals, oil heaters, loose garden waste, and any items that can’t be lifted by two people or are over two metres in length, height or width will not be collected as part of the kerbside collection. These items are excluded for safety reasons and because in some cases they simply don’t fit in the truck.” Mr Schafer said.
Residents must also limit their rubbish to three cubic metres per property or unit complex, including no more than one cubic metre of bundled garden waste.
For more information including dates, interactive maps and collection areas please read the pamphlet delivered to your mailbox, see Council's website or call Council on (07) 5329 6500.
12 August 2015