Have a say on ways to develop Noosa's economy


Council will host two workshops in May for Noosa residents to contribute to a new economic plan for the shire.

Noosa Council Economic Development Officer Carolyn Bullen said community opinion would guide the plan and anyone with an interest in strengthening the economy was welcome.

“We’ll be looking at Noosa's economic profile, discussing our competitive advantages and brainstorming ideas on how to grow the local economy and establish how Council can best contribute.”

Ms Bullen said the workshops, to be held at the Leisure Centre and The J, will explore a wide range of topics.

“The workshops will examine successful models of economic development. They’ll look at Council and other stakeholders’ roles, review the economic profile for our region, and encourage ideas to create opportunities as well as explore some of the challenges facing the local economy,” she said.

After 13 May, residents can also have a say by making a submission on development of the economic plan at Council’s Your Say Noosa website at http://yoursay.noosa.qld.gov.au

The workshops will take place on 13 May at the Leisure Centre, Wallace Park, Noosaville, and 25 May at The J, Noosa Drive, Noosa Junction, both from 4.30pm – 7.30pm.

RSVP to (07) 5329 6108 or Carolyn.Bullen@noosa.qld.gov.au by COB Monday 11 May for the 13 May workshop, and Friday 22 May for the 25 May event.

5 May 2015