Photos sought to express Noosa values


Roadside trees, footpath dining, minimal signage and the use of natural materials.

These are some of the things residents have told Council they love about Noosa and want to see captured in a new values and principles document to be used by Council staff and the design community.

“Residents have told us what they do and don’t like about Noosa’s built environment and we’ll be considering all of that feedback as we draft the new document,” says Project Officer Joanna Ferris.

“We’re asking for residents and visitors to upload pictures with examples of the sorts of visual elements they think work well currently within the shire.

“This could be landscaping features, examples of building materials used in public structures and infrastructure or even the choice of colours and plant species.

“There may also be design features they’ve photographed overseas or within other council areas in Australia that they think would complement Noosa’s look and feel.

“We look forward to looking through the pictures submitted.”

Photos can be uploaded, as well as written submissions, at Council’s YourSay Noosa portal at or alternately via email to

The website also includes discussion forums and a survey.

A design manual was published in 1986 as a guide for developers and town planners and that manual was the foundation for much of what we now call the Noosa “look and feel”. It is available for download at

That document dealt mainly with private development and the content of that old document is now included in the Town Plan.

The new document will encompass the many things in the road corridors and open spaces that contribute so strongly to Noosa’s look and feel.

10 February 2015