Community Jury's first meeting, this Saturday


Noosa’s 24-member Community Jury will on Saturday meet for the first time to consider the best way to reduce organic waste being sent to landfill.

As part of a full-day familiarisation session, jury members will hear from Council waste staff and also tour Council’s Eumundi Road landfill site.

Jury members have received detailed information packs outlining various options considered by Noosa Council.

They’ll also consider public submissions which can be lodged at Council’s YourSay Noosa website until the end of February. The Jury can call for further expert opinion throughout the jury process.

“Interested residents who want to observe the jury at work are invited to RSVP to Council by contacting Debra Bambrook, our Community Engagement Manager,” says Cr Tony Wellington.

“Noosa Council has decided to embark on this venture as a means of enhancing our community engagement. We genuinely want to hear from residents about issues that affect our region and involve them in decision-making.

“As well as the community jury, a range of other tools are also being used to facilitate communication between Council and the community it serves. Your Say Noosa on the Council’s website is another method by which residents can provide input.

“Organic waste is one of the biggest issues facing local governments across Australia due to landfill space constraints and gas emissions reduction targets,” said Cr Wellington.

“Almost half of the material entering the waste stream is organic and thus compostable. Plainly the amount of organic material ending up in landfill has significant cost ramifications for Council. Whilst the final decision will be made by Noosa Council, we are very keen to discover what the jury recommends to us.

“The issue may appear simple at first glance, but the jury will quickly discover that there are a wide range of possible actions, each with different ramifications for both residents and Council,” Cr Wellington said.

The Jury members will meet monthly over five months to determine solutions for minimising organic waste that ends up at landfill. Their recommendations will go before Council for consideration.

newDemocracy Foundation oversaw Jury member selection to reflect Noosa’s demographic profile.

To attend the Jury’s first meeting RSVP to Council’s Community Engagement Manager, Debra Bambrook, on (07) 5329 6460 or via email to

“Times the public can attend are 9.45am – 12.45pm and 1.15pm – 2.15pm. Seating is limited so please RSVP early to avoid disappointment,” Ms Bambrook said.

4 February 2015