Call for submissions to help inform Noosa's first Community Jury
The new Democracy Foundation is calling for public submissions on the topic "What is the best option for minimising organic waste sent to landfill?"
Submissions will help inform Noosa's new community jury which meets to consider the topic for the first time on February 7.
Submissions will form the starting point of information considered by the jury. What should they consider as they weigh-up their decision? What should an informed resident on the jury take the time to read and understand?
Local community groups and residents with a particular interest in the topic are also invited to attend upcoming stakeholder briefings.
Noosa's community jury is made up of a cross section of people from the local community.
Submissions can be in the form of documents or research that Noosa residents think jury members should read; or examples of approaches from other local governments, or even questions that the jury could ask of other experts.
The newDemocracy Foundation will not edit or place limits on the information provided to the jury. Submitters can make their case as they see fit.
Ideally, submissions should be in by Friday 30 January, 2015 to ensure that documents are available to jurors to read prior to their first meeting. However, submissions will continue to be accepted into late February.
Submissions made by individuals will have contact phone numbers and identifying address details obscured. The documents will otherwise be made public in their entirety, along with Council’s background paper, on Council’s Your Say Noosa website
Submissions can be lodged via email directly to
The stakeholder briefing sessions will be held on Monday, 2 February at 11am, 4pm and 6pm. Anyone wishing to attend should RSVP to
For any questions, please call 0412 544 116 or email
5 January 2015