Access and safety improvements at 'loved-to-death' Weyba Creek


A new project to rejuvenate the banks of Weyba Creek will boost safety and provide better access to the water.

Council passed a resolution to build a new fishing platform at Weyba Esplanade earlier this year, and the design for the new structure is underway.

The planned works will mean that several old rope swings will be removed in response to safety concerns.

Noosa Council Planning and Infrastructure Director Martin Drydale said Weyba Creek was a popular recreation spot and unfortunately it was being ‘loved to death’.

“Recently Weyba Creek has witnessed a surge in popularity among holidaymakers and backpackers, and severe erosion is causing a range of safety risks,” Mr Drydale said.

“Erosion has undermined some of the trees, while some of the rope swings are attached to branches that have died and are at risk of breaking off.

“While Council regrets the removal of these swings, we have a responsibility to ensure public safety on public land and we are making every effort to provide a safe, long-term access solution.”

Council is working with Maritime Safety Queensland and the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry on this matter and will hold an information day for residents and volunteer groups once designs for the new structure are drafted.

The $220,000 project also includes erosion remediation works. A new fishing platform will help minimise further erosion.

“We’ll be contacting managers of local accommodation houses to advise them of the changes and the concerns we have about safety, so they can alert their guests,” Mr Drydale said.

Council officers will continue to monitor the creek and remove any new rope swings that are put up. Council hopes to call for tenders to build the fishing platform next year.

10 December 2014