Free DVD to help Noosa residents recycle
Noosa Council has launched a new DVD to help local households become expert recyclers.
The DVD features practical advice for setting up composting bins and developing a worm farm.
It coincides with upcoming composting/worm farming workshops at local libraries.
"Households that recycle their organic waste are helping reduce the amount of waste that arrives at Noosa’s landfill,” said Noosa Council Waste Coordinator, Doug Barnes.
Residents who compost their organic waste also enjoy the benefits of nutrient rich fertiliser for their home gardens.
The DVDs are available free to schools and a limited number will be available free from Council’s Customer Service Centre.
The DVDs will also be distributed at the two upcoming workshops.
The composting/worm farming workshops will be held at 10am, Wednesday 3 December at Cooroy Library and at Noosaville Library at 10am Thursday 11 December.
Participation is free. Phone (07) 5329 6555 to book a place.
“Landfill waste reduction is an important goal within the Noosa Council Waste Management Strategy and recycling is one way everyone can help,” Mr Barnes said.
28 November 2014