Disasters and Emergencies

When it comes to extreme weather events in Queensland, it's not a matter of 'if' but when'. 

We are the most natural disaster impacted state in Australia, exposing our communities and infrastructure to repeated damage.

These pages are designed to help you prepare for this and other weather disaster events we may experience here in Noosa.

  • Noosa ALERT uses text messages (SMS) and email to send out information about local disasters, severe weather and emergency events. This is a free, opt-in service so you will need to register to receive Noosa ALERT warnings.

    The alerts are official communication from the Noosa Local Disaster Management Group which manages the community response to disasters. The alerts provide real-time information about disasters, severe weather warnings and emergency events across the Noosa Shire.

    You can register for Noosa ALERT by completing the online registration on the Noosa ALERT tab on Council's Disaster Dashboard.

    You can unsubscribe to Noosa ALERT anytime by emailing us at mail@noosa.qld.gov.au with 'Opt-out from Noosa ALERT' in the subject line. Be sure to send us your full name and the email address or phone number you used to sign up.

Don't wait for a disaster to happen before you think about how you and your family are going to survive. Noosa Council's Emergency Action Guide will help you plan for an emergency.

Watch Noosa Get Ready video.