Environment & Climate Change Grants
Noosa Council Environment Grants
Noosa Council (Council) has a long history of working with and supporting the community to achieve significant environmental outcomes. The Council’s Environment Grants Program is funded by the Environmental Levy intends to support the implementation of the Noosa Environment Strategy, as well as Council’s other key environment strategies and plans.
The Environment Grant Program is designed to enable collaboration with the community in initiatives that work towards the outcomes and targets identified in the Noosa Environment Strategy. All initiatives funded by the Environment Grants Program must have tangible and measurable outcomes.
There are three types of grants currently available under the Environment Grants Program:
Environment Project Grants
1-year grants for projects, programs or events that align with the Noosa Environment Strategy, as well as Council’s other key environment strategies and plans, and have a positive impact on the environment.
The Environment Project Grants are for projects, programs or events that align with the Noosa Environment Strategy, as well as Council's other key environment strategies and plans, which have a positive impact on the environment. They will typically be completed within 12 months of commencement.
The minimum grant amount from Council under the Environment Project Grants program is $1,000 and maximum grant amount is $30,000. There is an expectation that projects will have a cash or in-kind contribution by the applicant or other partners. In some instances, only part-funding of the amount request may be offered.
The Environment Projects Grant Program is available for applications from eligible not-for-profit organisations for projects which:
- Align with the Biodiversity or Waterways, wetlands, and coast’s themes and contribute to the strategies, targets, and outcomes of the Noosa Environment Strategy 2019.
- Align with the requirements of the Environment Grants Policy.
- Align with the purpose of the Environment Levy as defined in the Environment Levy Policy.
- Demonstrate value for money, and that the project is in the public interest.
- Have a financial or in-kind contribution to the project.
- Are located within the Council Local Government Area (LGA) and 200 metres seaward from the lowest astronomical tide.
A copy of the Environment Project Grant Guidelines is available here.
Multi-year Environment Collaborative (MEC) Grants
3-year grants that support longer-term, larger-scale strategic initiatives that align with the Noosa Environment Strategy and have a significant positive impact on the Noosa environment.
Noosa Council recognises that solving the big issues confronting our local environment needs constructive partnerships over an extended period. The MEC Project Grants support longer-term, larger-scale strategic initiatives that align with the Noosa Environment Strategy and have a significant positive impact on the Noosa environment.
MEC Project Grants are designed to encourage collaboration between different community groups, as well as with Council. Projects will typically have multiple community stakeholders, working together towards a common goal, and delivering clear, measurable, environmental outcomes. MEC Project Grants can support projects delivered over a period of up to 3 years. Recipients will be required to provide a bi-annual progress report that includes a financial report, which demonstrates delivery of agreed outcomes.
The MEC Projects Grant Program is available for applications from eligible not-for-profit organisations for projects which:
- Align with the themes and contribute to the strategies, targets, and outcomes of the Noosa Environment Strategy 2019.
- Align with the requirements of the Environment Grants Policy.
- Demonstrate value for money, and that the project is in the public interest.
- Align with the purpose of the Environment Levy as defined in the Environment Levy Policy.
- Demonstrate value for money, and that the project is in the public interest.
- Have a financial or in-kind contribution to the project.
- Are located within the Council Local Government Area (LGA) and 200 metres seaward from the lowest astronomical tide.
A copy of the MEC Grant Guidelines is available here.
Successful applicants will receive an annual grant for up to three years where:
- The primary purpose of the organisation and services they provide aligns with the strategic outcomes of Noosa Environment Strategy 2019.
- Align with the requirements of the Environment Grants Policy.
- Demonstrate value for money for all stakeholders.
- The services provided by the organisation are of significant benefit to the Noosa community (beyond their membership base).
- The organisation can demonstrate the need for financial assistance from Noosa Council.
Environment Organisation Alliance Grants
3-year grants that provide organisational support to community groups that are primarily focused on environment activities.
These grants will provide organisational support to community groups that are primarily focused on environment activities.
The grants are open to not-for-profit incorporated organisations who can establish their need for a funding based on the relevant grant guideline requirements. The current total annual budget for the 3 Environment Grants is $375,000.
Noosa Council Climate Change Grants
The Climate Change Program is designed to enable collaboration with the community in initiatives that work towards the outcomes and targets identified in the Noosa Climate Change Response Plan. Climate Change Response Grant is the grant available under Climate Change Grant Program.
Climate Change Response Grant:
1 year grant program that supports initiatives that contribute to achieve net zero emissions, assist Noosa Shire transition to 100% renewable electricity and increase the capacity of Noosa residents to reduce emissions and adapt to climate change impacts.
Climate change response projects may include, but are not restricted to:
Projects or programs that address specific outcomes of the Noosa Climate Change Response Plan. The project or program must address one or more of the following themes of the Noosa Climate Change Response Plan:
i. Leadership and governance
ii. Energy efficiency and renewable energy
iii. Clean low emissions industries
iv. Sustainable transport
v. Health & resilient natural systems and carbon sequestration
vi. Sustainable agriculture and food systems
vii. Resilient and adaptive communities and built environments
viii. Zero waste and circular economies
The minimum grant amount from Council is $1,000 and maximum grant amount is $30,000.
The delivery of the Community Grants Program is subject to Council’s annual budget.
Funding is competitive and Council cannot approve all requests for assistance, therefore grant funding should not be automatically expected.
As the program is often oversubscribed, Council will not fund 100% of any project. In some instances, only part-funding of the amount requested may be offered.
A copy of the Climate Change Response Grant Guidelines is available here.
Key dates for the 2024/25 funding round are detailed below:
Environment Project Grants - Round 20 Climate Change Response Grant - Round 5 MEC Grants 2023-2026 Environment
2023-2026Round Opens Monday,
10 February, 2025Monday,
10 February, 2025This round is closed This round is closed Round Closes Wednesday,
19 March, 2025Wednesday,
19 March, 2025Results Announced Mid June 2025 Mid June 2025 Project Delivery Period 1 July 2025 to 30 June 2026 1 July 2025 to 30 June 2026 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2026 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2026 Acquittal Period Within 30 days of project completion Within 30 days of project completion -
The guidelines for each of the grants in the Environment Grant & Climate Change Program provide detailed information on the requirements you need to meet to apply for the grant.
· Environment Project Grant Guidelines
· Environment Organisation Alliance Grant guidelines
· Climate Change Response Grant Guidelines
You can apply online via Council's grant management system.
Review the Frequently asked Questions and Environment Grants Glossary.
Applicants must provide evidence that written approval has been obtained from the landowner for the project.
- Council land: Where Council is the owner or trustee of the land, on which the building works are intended, the completed Community Organisation Checklist for New Works Form must be submitted with this grant application. For more information please contact: commdev@noosa.qld.gov.au
- State land: If the project is proposed on State land, please contact: SLAMlodgement@resources.qld.gov.au.
- Private land: If the project is proposed on freehold/privately owned land, evidence of tenure (i.e., titles search) must be provided with a letter of consent.
Council requires your organisation completes a Risk Management Plan. An example of a simple Risk Management Plan can be found Sample Risk Management Plan.
Where events are proposed, the applicant must obtain an event permit from Council if their application is successful and costs to do this need to be captured within the project budget. Further information on the costs and application process is available here.
Eligible applications will be assessed against the relevant grant guideline in accordance with a five-step assessment process.
The outcome of the grant round will be announced after the final decisions are made at the Ordinary Council Meeting. See the ‘Key dates’ for further details. Each applicant will be advised the outcome of their application by email.
Project funding is at the discretion of the Council, and there is no appeal process. Feedback can be provided to unsuccessful applicants on request.
Successful applicants will be emailed an approval letter and a Deed of Funding Agreement. The Agreement will include terms and conditions of the grant, any special conditions that have been attached to your grant and GST information. You will need to complete, sign, and return the Deed of Funding Agreement before any funding is released. If the applicant is being auspiced, the Deed of Funding Agreement will be signed by, and payment will be made to the auspice organisation.
Successful applicants are given instructions about the Deed of Funding Agreement obligations and invoicing Council for the grant payment as part of the approval letter. Refer to the Valid Invoice Check List.
Successful applicants will be required to:
- ensure continued compliance with the relevant grant guidelines and the project plan submitted with the application
- deliver the approved project in accordance with the contents of the submitted applications approved by Council for the provision of a grant
- fully comply with the terms and conditions set out in the Deed of Funding Agreement (including special conditions) provided by Council to the successful applicants
- fully acquit the grant to Council in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Funding Agreement.
Applications may be only partly funded by Council. If a project is only partly funded, the applicant will need to fund the shortfall to be awarded the funding.
If a grant application is successful, the recipient is required to acknowledge Noosa Council's contribution to the activity that is being funded.
The relevant Deed of Funding Agreement clause says: 'To acknowledge assistance from Noosa Council in media releases and promotional material, using Council's logo and the words 'Our project has been supported by Noosa Council'.
The Council's logos and instructions are here. The logos are to be used in any promotional material, media advertising and signage relating to the proposal during the funding period except for infrastructure projects which should be acknowledged for the life of the funded infrastructure.
Reporting and acquittal requirements for the project will be outlined in the Deed of Funding Agreement. Projects must not commence, nor the grant paid before the applicant signs, understands, and can meet all terms and conditions of the Deed of Funding Agreement including any additional Special Conditions.
Grant Account Creation-Change Form [212KB] - Successful grant applicants will need a Grant Account set up in Noosa Council's finance system before they can receive a grant payment. If you have not received a Noosa Council grant before or your organisation’s bank details have changed then you will need lodge a Grant Account Creation-Change Form. To verify the bank account details you must also provide a bank statement showing the relevant section identifying BSB, Account Number & Name or a stamped and signed certified letter from your bank detailing your BSB & Account Number. These are compulsory fraud prevention measures.
Valid Invoice Check List - Noosa Council cannot pay invalid invoices. Please use this check list to ensure your invoice for your grant is valied.
- 2021-2022 Round 16 Community and Environment Project Grant Recipients
- 2021-2022 Round 15 Community and Environment Project Grant Recipients
- 2020-2021 Round 13 Environment Project Grants
- 2019-2020 Round 12 Community & Environment Project Grants
- 2019-2020 Round 11 Community & Environment Project Grants
Should you have any further questions regarding on the Environment Projects Grant Program, please contact Council’s Environmental Services via email at: environment@noosa.qld.gov.au