
Welcome to the Noosa Shire Council online mapping system.

Our online mapping allows users to view:

  • property and land information

  • stormwater

  • Noosa Planning Scheme

  • waste services

  • disaster management

Due to the number of different layers available for viewing, we have created a range of different mapping themes.  Please select the theme that is most suitable for your situation from the map menu below.

Visit our How to Videos for extra assistance with using the interactive online mapping system.

Council provides open data.

Want something quick? Visit our downloadable maps

Noosa Plan 2020

Noosa Plan 2020 Tile


The planning scheme for Noosa Shire 

Noosa Plan 2020 came into effect 31 July 2020 and replaced all aspects of the previous planning scheme, including the mapping.

View the maps for the Noosa Plan 2020

To run a Noosa Plan 2020 SITE REPORT, click here to download the PDF instructions. 

​For more information about the plan visit 
