Cleanaway has advised council of industrial action on Friday 14 March.

Residents should put their bins on the kerbside as scheduled and if not collected Friday, it will be the following day.

Noosa Transport Strategy

Following significant community consultation, including stakeholder gatherings, pop-ups and more than a thousand submissions, Council adopted the Noosa Transport Strategy 2017-2027.

Noosa's transport vision is one where "Noosa Shire enjoys an efficient, free flowing, innovative transport system that enhances resident and visitor experiences, and results in sustainable environmental outcomes".

Working groups were established to progress the key short term initiatives in keeping with the Principles of the Transport Strategy which seeks to:

  • Encourage transport options that meet the needs of both locals and visitors.
  • Prioritise our focus on moving people and goods rather than on moving cars.
  • Provide infrastructure and services that are designed to give priority to pedestrians, cyclists, scooters and public transport over private cars.
  • Improve the safety and amenity of pedestrians and cyclists in our transport infrastructure.
  • Address peak time traffic congestion by reducing traffic rather than increasing road capacity.
  • Accommodate changes in transportation technology.
  • Align our organisational transport options and usage with Council’s Zero Emissions Strategy and the above principles.
  • Design for, encourage and facilitate transport options that reduce the emissions produced by our community.

Investigations are continuing and where possible new initiatives will be trialled prior to full implementation.

The Noosa Transport Strategy 2017-2027 proposes the following initiatives over the next 1-2 years:

  • Investigate Park-and-Ride services and conduct a detailed study to determine the demand, preferred location, and likely capacity of a successful Park-and-Ride facility with links to shuttle services.

    Mission Statement: To reduce traffic congestion to the Hastings Street area by providing alternate options.

    Next Steps

    To maximise the existing parking capacity and consider both temporary and long-term park ‘n’ ride solutions Council will:

    • Leverage the existing car parking capacity in Noosa Junction to encourage people to “Park & Ride” by partnering with TransLink on a marketing campaign to promote the existing high frequency bus services from Noosa Junction to Hastings Street
    • As Noosa Junction nears car parking capacity, investigate temporary “Park & Ride” options from Sunshine Beach, Tewantin and Noosa Civic - site identification and negotiations required.
  • Subject to investigation, and in keeping with the Noosa look-and-feel, introduce car parking management controls (e.g. paid parking) in congested areas. Paid parking may allow for variable controls for residents and non-residents, peak and off-peak periods, and paid and free parking at Park-and-Ride facilities.

    Mission Statement: Improve access for people while reducing traffic congestion in peak periods in the Hastings Street precinct. (Hastings St precinct includes Noosa Parade, Noosa Drive, Park Road and Hastings St).

    Next Steps

    To ensure the existing car parking supply is efficiently managed and provides flexible solutions to respond to different user needs across times of day, week and season:

    • Complete a detailed feasibility study on paid parking
    • Complete a car parking technology options paper
  • Investigate the feasibility of priority transport lanes for sustainable transport modes (buses, bicycles, scooters, electric vehicles etc.).

    Mission Statement: To provide corridor/s that allow people to travel by means other than by car by making it the safest, fastest and most convenient option.

    Next Steps

    Temporary or permanent priority transport lanes will aim to minimise loss of parking and manage spill over parking in Noosa Heads residential areas:

    • Work with key stakeholders and conduct a low impact trial at peak periods to address pedestrian and traffic movements in the Hastings Street precinct.
    • Address congestion along Noosa Parade by improving safety and efficiency for pedestrians, cyclists and buses.
  • Subject to discussion with TransLink, trial a high-frequency Noosa style shuttle bus to service key destinations.

    Mission Statement: To make it easy to get around the Hasting Street precinct and surrounds by public transport

    Next Steps

    Council will seek to partner with TransLink and/or service providers to operate services by:

    • Raising awareness of the existing high frequency bus services between Tewantin and Sunshine/Sunrise beach in conjunction with TransLink
    • Reviewing the Christmas and Easter Free Holiday Buses Program
    • Conducting business case assessment for increasing the span of hours on popular bus routes
  • Implement Walk-and-Ride to Schools Program, with supportive schools that experience significant traffic and congestion issues.

    Mission Statement: To reduce traffic congestion around primary schools.

    Next Steps

    To raise awareness of active travel options, provide opportunities for children to gain skills and raise awareness of the impacts of high car usage Council will:

    • Continue to work with Sunshine Beach State School, Noosaville State School and Tewantin State School
    • Encourage other schools to participate in the Walk & Ride to School Program.
  • An integrated proposal called ‘e-Noosa’ has been developed for the purpose of seeking funding for long-term initiatives. ‘e-Noosa’ has been developed as a sustainable and repeatable model that could be re-applied to other similar regional tourism destinations around Australia.

    For full details read the brochure e-Noosa [2.4MB].

  • Investigations of the above priorities are ongoing. Key points of interest from the 2018 investigations include:

    • Over 7,000 vehicles enter and leave the Hasting Street roundabout each day in peak times, however the roundabout is not at capacity.
    • Close to 27,000 pedestrian movements occur around Hasting St roundabout on a busy day.
    • Parking shortages occur at peak times in the Hastings St area however survey data indicates that, even at peak times, there is still parking availability in Noosa Junction.
    • Survey results revealed that there is limited public awareness of alternatives to driving and parking in congested areas.

    For more information read the full results of the 2018 Noosa Traffic and Parking survey [5.5MB].